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Wizard Week

The first week in November saw the emporium taken over by a cacophony of Wizard voices and stories, as we helped Milton Hall Primary School celebrate their Wizard Week. Seven story times a day for 4 days saw groups of between 15 and 22 children a day, to visit, explore and share their ideas with us and cast their magic throughout the store. Amongst the activities we shared was the start of our poll to find out who the world favourite Wizard is. This might turn into a lifetime of research to find the most accurate of results, but Milton Hall pupils came up with some great names. Harry Potter was unsurprisingly the run away favourite, but other names from Hogwarts (from both sides of the magical spectrum) featured too. The Wizard of Oz battled Merlin and Gandalf for second place, the latter being helped by his Lego self to be favourite with the year 2s. Puff and Mickey the Wizard (from Fantasia) were names we hadn’t expected, and special mentions must go to Medusa and the Fire Wizard from Clash of Clans. The characters from David McKee’s Melric the Magician were spontaneous favourites for some of the year 1s, who enjoyed the book for their special story time in the Lighthouse.

The week of walking buses to and fro came to an end on Friday afternoon, with a sight we took to our hearts. Having been given free reign to explore the store, as a class of year 6’s took over the Lighthouse, all in fancy dress sat together and read. It was one of the quietest moments of the week and reminded us all just how much joy books can bring to a child when they find the right one for them.

Milton Hall Primary School Wizard Top Ten

1. Harry Potter

2. Oz

3. Merlin

4. Gandalf

5. Dumbledore

6. Mickey Mouse (as the Wizard in Fantasia)

7. Hermione Grainger

8. Puff

9. Alex (Wizards of Waverley Place)

10. Gargamel
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Jacqson Diego Story Emporium is a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales; number 7555991

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