Monster Max ... in a Box
Our book club for children with an interest age of 5 – 8 years, with optional sharing session.
Time & Location
22 May 2021, 14:00
Book Club in a Box
About the Event
Our new book club for children with an interest age of 5 – 8 years includes a book to read or listen to, an activity to do at home to explore the book and the option to join us for a short virtual sharing session with the other children who have read the book, to find out what we thought and achieved.
The book club in a box will be available to collect or send out from the 1st of May and the virtual sharing session is on Saturday 22th May at 2pm via Zoom.
The cost of £12 includes a copy of the book and an activity pack to explore the story at home, which may be collected from Jacqson Diego Story Emporium or posted to you for an additional charge.
About the Book:
Monster Max and the Bobble Hat of Forgetting by Robin Bennett
Illustrations by Tom Tinn-Disbury
Max is just an ordinary, slightly scruffy boy, until he burps, when he turns into a huge monster, with teeth like swords, who can jump over buildings, roar and eat whole dustbins. It's great being a monster whose aim is to 'protect and do good stuff' until Max sneezes, when he turns back into a boy again, sometimes far from home and dressed only in his pants. But something starts causing a lot of damage in his quiet suburb and it isn't Max.
Trailed by his nemesis, Peregrine, a boy his age who has invented a POOP (portable operating omni prison) machine to catch the monster, Max has to find the real culprit before Peregrine catches him...
Published February 2021
Collect from the Emporium
£12.00Sold OutDelivery
This purchase includes delivery of the book.
£14.90Sold OutDelivery with additional pack
This purchase includes delivery of the book and a second activity pack so sibilings can explore the book together.
£19.90Sold Out
This event is sold out